my first thots (3/7/2025)
here we go for my first blog post on a website that i (kinda) built on my own. i definitely customized it! i don't know what i really want to talk about now that i'm here. i know i want to talk about photography and maybe book reviews and things like that, but otherwise, i already have so many other avenues to discuss my thoughts.
maybe these thoughts should be going back to childhood, as a lot of this website already is. a decent amount of the point of this site is for me to accept my being a lesbian. it's still weird to even say to myself, and even weirder to externalizing it, even if it's to the void.
maybe i should actually just introduce myself. you can call me jas, and i'm very nostalgic for the early 2000's at the moment. as you can so plainly see. i won't dwell on my childhood or anything though. that's probably too personal. i really wish i could have my old slide/flip phone i got in 2009; it was everything to me.
i'm still thinking about getting a tattoo. i know what i want, and i have wanted it for a number of years already. i've already started having dreams about me having a tattoo. i know what i want and where i want it. but i promised not to until i got matching ones with my < 3 bestie < 3
i don't think i'll be using this website too much for blogging if i'm totally honest. i think this is going to be like my franklin badge journal where i just cut and paste whatever i want onto here. and where i put complete thoughts. actually. maybe the only thoughts that i'll put here are gay gay homosexual ones and then my complete art thoughts.
here's a gay lesbian thought, i LOVE boobsalso, pussy is amazing.
Image from tumblr.